Cashew Industry News

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

19 Dec, 2013

The cashew sector value chain sector in Côte d’Ivoire underwent some changes over the past couple of weeks; ARECA, the government agency which regulates the cotton and cashew industries in the country, has become le Conseil du Coton et de l'Anacarde.  The newly named body also has a new mission which is to develop the productivity of the entire value chain from production to the...

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25 Oct, 2013

The African Cashew Alliance has had a busy couple of months. In September, over 350 cashew industry representatives gathered in Accra, Ghana for the 8th annual ACA World Cashew Conference.  Please find below a special report on the conference as well as two conference field trips in Ghana.  Additionally, check in on ACA's Business Advisory Activities, Market Information System, and...

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11 Oct, 2013

On the 5th of September, 2013, Madame Georgette Taraf, the ACA President, was honored as one of Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government in Accra, Ghana.  The award ceremony is held each year by Celebrating Excellence in Organizations (CEO), a South African organization.  Through a lengthy nomination and judging process, CEO identifies women in top...

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30 Sep, 2013

African cashew-nut producers could triple revenue from exports in the next seven years by increasing processing capacity and adding value to the crop, according to the African Cashew Alliance...


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25 Sep, 2013
Unshelling Cashew: Improving Livelihoods

Video of Unshelling Cashew: Improving Livelihoods

The new ACA video features a few of ACA Member cashew processors, including Madame Taraf, the President of ACA and also a member of Benin Gold, an alliance of three processors.  Watch it now and discover how the African Cashew Alliance is transforming the cashew value chain.

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20 Sep, 2013

On the 16-19th of September, 2013 cashew industry representatives from around the world convened in Accra, Ghana for the ACA World Cashew Festival and Expo 2013.  The event was the African Cashew Alliance's 8th annual conference, and the nearly 350 participants made it a success, once again. 

The Opening Ceremony commenced three days of partnership and knowledge...

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12 Sep, 2013

Please note that on-site registration has different conference fees than online registration.

Core Members  
      Farmers: $300.00
     1 Delegate: $500.00
Stakeholder Members 
     1 Delegate: $800.00
Government Representative : $500.00
Non-Members: $1200.00

The 8th Annual ACA...

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3 Sep, 2013
One Tree, Many Benefits: Potential Gains in the Cashew Value Chain

Last year in Ghana, 60,000 small holder farmers tended to cashew trees on around 60,000 hectares of land.  While best known for producing a kidney-shaped snack nut, these trees and their products hold potential far beyond one type of consumption.  From pastes, to juice, to cookies, discovering the many uses of the...

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15 Aug, 2013

The African Cashew Alliance is excited to introduce Kantha Shelke as a speaker at the ACA World Cashew Festival and Expo 2013 on 16-19 September in Accra, Ghana.  Dr. Shelke, a leading food scientist, will present during the "New Market Opportunities" portion of this year's plenary discussion.  We were lucky enough to ask her a few questions about her background and even...

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12 Aug, 2013


     The African Cashew Alliance is excited to welcome Roger T. Brou as the new Managing Director.  Brou is joining the team after years of experience in agribusiness project finance and bank-to-bank finance....

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