Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

9 Jul, 2024

la cérémonie de clôture de la 17ème session de formation « des maîtres formateurs  » pour la Promotion de la Chaîne de Valeur du cajou s’est tenue ce vendredi 28 juin 2024 à yamoussoukro.

Cette session a vu la formation des maîtres formateurs dont 70 ont été certifiés. Leur formation a porté sur la récolte et la post récolte des noix de cajou, la valeur ajoutée par la...

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9 Jul, 2024

La 17 ème session de formation de l’alliance pour le cajou Africain prend fin ce 28 juin à Yamoussoukro. Débutée le 24 juin, 2024, cette 17 ème session a été consacrée essentiellement à la formation « maîtres formateurs pour la promotion de la chaîne de valeur (MTP) venus des 12 pays membres.
Au terme de la session qui prend fin ce 28 juin, les participants, au nombre de 95, ont vu...

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1 Apr, 2024

The Director of the Directorate of Crop Services at the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Dr Solomon Gyan Ansah, has emphasised the importance of improving the cashew processing industry in Ghana. more

13 Feb, 2024
5 Feb, 2024

The Switzerland government, through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), has announced a US$10.5 million grant for the cashew and oil palm sectors.

The investment, which is under a five-year project dubbed the Second Phase of the Ghana Private Sector Competitiveness Programme (GPSCP II), aims to achieve 20 percent domestic processing of cashew and oil palm over the...

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4 Jan, 2024

Savannah Regional-based non-governmental organization, Green for Change Ghana, has cautioned cashew farmers, particularly the young ones in the region to stop the unhealthy practice of working in isolation and competing more

4 Jan, 2024

To boost the domestic processing capacity and achieve Cambodia’s 2027 goal of becoming a leading nation in not just the cultivation of cashews but their processing and export, it is estimated that at more

31 Dec, 2023

The Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) at the Naliendele Centre is taking measures to replenish cashew seed stocks more

22 Dec, 2023

Born in Stung Treng, Muth Chakrya established a cashew nut shop in Sre Krasaing Village of the province’s Siem Bok District. During the Covid-19 pandemic, she experienced a severe financial crisis, leading her to abandon her role as a broker in purchasing agricultural products from......

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9 Dec, 2023

The European Union (EU) is seeking potential European investors in the cashew industry with an aim of shifting the cashew nut processing from neighbouring countries more 

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