Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

3 Apr, 2013

Triangular competition in West Africa creating bullish market trends, according to

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19 Feb, 2013

"Despite economic crisis, cashew is consumed greatly in the country as people understand more about its nutrition values, said the Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas)."

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7 Feb, 2013

India, one of the world's largest processors of cashew, is expected to expand RCN production in 2013, increasing output by 15%. Experts say that good weather patterns, including steady, late rainfall that continued until November of 2012, set up India for a good crop. In 2012 India harvested 693,000 MT of raw cashew - forecasts for this year are predicting 800,000MT of production. 

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1 Feb, 2013

Nigeria could generate $14b annually from RCN processing, according to Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina.

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9 Oct, 2012

De 17 a 20 de setembro, os elementos-chave do caju do mundo todo se reuniram em Cotonu, no Benim, para participar da 7ª Conferência Anual da ACA.O encontro foi o maior evento do caju no mundo até hoje, com mais de 500 participantes inscritos, vindos de 36 países.Os conferencistas principais, as oficinas específicas para os setores e centenas de reuniões de empresa a empresa (Business2Business...

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