Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

13 Jul, 2015

"Ghana’s annual revenue from exporting raw cashew nuts is estimated at 56 million dollars, Mr Joseph Yeung, Managing Director of the Mim Cashew Processing Company, has revealed." To read more please visit The Ghanaweb site.

26 Jun, 2015

A inscrição antecipada foi prorrogada até o dia 31 de julho de 2015! Inscreva-se aqui para participar do Festival Mundial do Caju e Expo 2015 da Aliança Africana do Caju. Depois desta data, as taxas normais de conferência e da expo serão aplicadas.  ...

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23 Jun, 2015

“To the Ivoirian economy, the cashew boom presents an unexpected but welcome opportunity to diversify agricultural exports beyond cocoa beans and rubber. It will also help develop the country’s agro-industry. However, to realise its full potential, Côte d’Ivoire has to process and add value to its raw cashews. While the country…” read...

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22 Jun, 2015

Uma Mensagem da Presidente da ACA:

Prezado Senhor ou Prezada Senhora,

Muito obrigada por seu interesse contínuo e por seu apoio à Aliança Africana do Caju. Na condição de elemento-chave ativo no setor africano do caju, nós gostaríamos de compartilhar com vocês que o Sr. Roger Brou saiu de seu cargo como Diretor Executivo da ACA no dia 31 de maio de 2015. Ele iniciou os...

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8 Jun, 2015

"The price of raw cashew nuts [in Ghana] has soared to an all time high of 4 GHS/kg on the local market after seeing a quantum leap in price in less than 18 months, putting a smile on the faces of farmers who are grappling to meet demand [...] The steep spike in price of the commodity has been attributed to high demand for the product, with supply unable to keep pace." To read more,...

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1 Jun, 2015

"A 'one-stop-shop' to facilitate bureaucratic procedures for cashew exports started operating in Guinea-Bissau on Monday, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Crafts.

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29 May, 2015
"B&FT has gathered that a kilogramme of raw cashew nut, which sold on the market for GHS 1.5 in 2013 is now trading for GHS 4, representing an increase of 166 percent. The steep spike in price of the commodity has been attributed to high demand for the product, with supply unable to keep pace." To read more, please vist the B&FT ... read more
15 May, 2015

"Patrols of ants on cashew nut trees can roughly double the yield of the crop, according to researchers in Benin. The researchers say that African weaver ants (Oecophylla longinoda) are an effective natural way to reduce considerable losses of cashew nuts from insect pests, such as fruit flies, and improve cashew quality, on farms in many African countries." To read more, please visit...

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12 May, 2015

A Secretaria da ACA convida para a candidatura os Membros Principais da ACA* que estejam interessados em ingressar no Comitê Executivo da ACA (CE), a entidade que governa a ACA. O CE dá a direção estratégica e faz a supervisão para guiar as atividades da ACA na promoção de um setor africano do caju competitivo no cenário mundial, o qual traga benefícios à cadeia de valor – do...

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8 May, 2015
"The [Tanzanian] government has reaffirmed its commitment to end exporting raw cashew nuts, after signing agreement with three institutions to construct three processing factories for the cash crop in three regions.... read more
