Cashew Industry News

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

24 Oct, 2014

The Department of Agriculture in the Mkuranga District of Tanzania have been charged with investigating the fungus disease that appears to be plaguing the cashew trees of the Magawa village. This disease appeared for the first time in the village in 2000, but seems to have re-emerged in full force.  To read more, please visit the allAfrica site...

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17 Oct, 2014

As of October 2014, Cote d'Ivoire has produced approximately 550,000 metric tons of raw cashew, a record for Africa's highest-producing nation.  Experts project the production to double within the next five years, thereby easily overtaking India as the world's largest cashew producer. To read more, please visit the China Post site...

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10 Oct, 2014

As part of the new Nigerian cashew export strategy, the Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC), along with the National Cashew Association of Nigeria and USAID, launched an initiative on Wednesday to scale-up cashew production within the country by over 150%, creating approximately 344,000 new jobs and over $75 million in new income.  The African Cashew Alliance has been a key partner...

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29 Sep, 2014

The government of Guinea-Bissau, in partnership with the Guinean Foundation for Enterprise and Industrial Development (Fundei), created a fund to finance projects related to the processing of cashew nuts.  This fund, starting at 1.5 million euros, seeks to dissuade the export of RCN to India and to promote domestic processing and value-addition.  To read more, please visit the Macau...

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19 Sep, 2014

Dear Cashew Friends and Colleagues,

It is with deep sorrow that we announce to you the passing away of our former ACA President, Mr. Idrissa Kilangi. Mr. Kilangi passed away on 12 September 2014 in Tanzania due to an illness. His burial took place in his hometown of Iringa in the southern highlands of Tanzania.

Mr. Kilangi was initially elected as the first Vice President of the...

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16 Sep, 2014

The African Cashew Alliance regrets to announce that the 2014 ACA World Cashew Festival & Expo has been cancelled due to the ongoing Ebola situation in West Africa.

Given the recent ban on international conferences in Ghana, and recognizing the importance of supporting the prevention of a wider spread of Ebola, ACA is sad to announce the cancellation of this year’s edition of the...

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8 Sep, 2014

A joint program was recently launched in Tanzania by the Commission of Science and Technology (COSTECH) and the Mkinga District Council with the intent of reviving the cashew industry.  The program, targeting female farmers, provides both training and technological equipment to small-scale female producers in order to improve productivity.  To read more, please visit the allAfrica...

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1 Aug, 2014

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN) says it is targeting the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development to develop the country's cashew value chain and improve crop yields.  The NCAN National President, Tola Faseru, said the association was already in advanced discussions with the USAID to provide evidence-based advocacy to facilitate access to technical...

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1 Aug, 2014

In collaboration with ACi, ACA organized the third session of the Master Training Program (MTP) in Sunyani, Ghana. The Master Training Program aims to reinforce and expand the knowledge of the cashew sector stakeholders from producers to buyers, including both public and private service providers such as researchers, extension officers, NGOs, and others, and began in December 2013 in Bobo...

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25 Jul, 2014

Guinea-Bissau's cashew exports have sky-rocketed this season, up to 40% higher than this period last year.  This jump is largely attributed to the government's commitment to prioritizing the cashew industry.  To read more, please visit the Reuters site here.

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