4th Call of Cashew Matching Grants Fund


1. The Cashew Matching Grant Fund

Adopting Good Agricultural Practices results in better quality of raw cashew nuts while stable, reliable linkages between farmers, processors and buyers is extremely essential for the competitiveness of African cashews. These are the lessons the German International Cooperation (GIZ) project African Cashew initiative (ACi) and the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)  learned from years of implementing cashew sector interventions.

The ACi Cashew Matching Fund was launched in September 2012 to leverage contributions from Processors, FBOs and Buyers and/or Retailers, as well as Public research institutions, to enable them to implement specific interventions or actions that lead to desirable outcomes for the cashew sector. The ACi Cashew Matching Fund is a unique public private partnership model and the only fund for cashew worldwide.

The Matching Fund is managed by the African Cashew initiative (ACi), and commissioned by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development with participation by IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative. The ACi Cashew Matching Fund supports activities in either Improved Cashew Planting Material or Strengthening the Supply Chain of African Cashew. After the first call in September 2012, and subsequent calls in 2013 and 2014, there are presently 18 farmer linkage and research projects, with over 30 partners implementing projects amounting to  $12.18 million out of which $4.54 million is contributed by the Matching Fund Grant. Through the Fund,  about 150,000 cashew farmers are supported in four countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana and Mozambique. 

2. Plan for 4th Call

Call for Concepts or Full Proposals from 7th to 24th January 2015, followed by review and decision making from 25th to 31st January 2015. Contracting of successful projects will be done thereafter. Project implementation commences from 1st March 2015. 

3. Expected Results and Key Activities

Overall Expected Results:

  • Improved quality and quantity of cashews produced, and thereby of kernels produced
  • Enhanced knowledge transfer to cashew farmers
  • Strong linkages and ties between processors/buyers and farmers (effective business linkages with farmers)
  • Strengthened entrepreneurial skills of owners and staff of processing factories
  • Improved market access (access to price and production information, etc.)
  • Improved cashew value/supply chain

Key Activities per Project Area and Funding Party:


  • Eligible entities that can partner to apply for the Cashew Matching Grants Fund are: i) processors for cashew nuts and apples, ii) farmer based organizations (FBOs), iii) buyers/traders who purchase cashew  kernels or apple produce from Africa, iv) international kernel retailers, and v) private sector foundations
  • The partnering entities must have existing operations in Africa in cashew processing or in buying/retailing kernels from Africa at the time of their application
  • Funding ratio: Matching fund ratio of € 1 public funds (40%=maximum from our side) from to € 1.5 private funding (60%) for projects. This holds for PPPs, in regard to GA we mostly have a ratio of 50% - 50%
  • Maximum grant to be requested from the matching fund €200.000
  • Processors who apply  should minimally meet AFS standards, and should report on progress moving beyond
  • Private companies participating in the Matching Fund need to pay membership to ACA
  • Project duration of maximum 12 months (1.03.2015 – 29.02.2016)
  • An application shall be made by at least two entities if they are both private sector entities (e.g. a processor partners with a buyer or retailer for a specific project
  • Business service providers to provide technical assistance are obliged to be used to guarantee good quality of all implemented activities under the Matching Fund Grant. Specifically, all activities involving training such as in Boxes 3, 4 and 6 are to be delivered through Business service providers or consultants
  • Priority is given for projects in la Côte d’Ivoire

4. How to Apply

Please download and complete the Application Forms (below) and submit electronically with all attachments to Cashewfund@giz.de. In case of any questions please contact us through the same email-address. 

Complete the Application Form.

Complete the Financial Plan.