Cashew Industry News

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

6 Apr, 2018

Cashew processors have called on the government to impose taxes and levies on the exportation of raw cashew nuts to protect the...

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26 Mar, 2018

The ACA/BUSAC Funds project seeks to employ the services of a technical consultant to Identify Advocacy Needs for the Cashew Private sector Value chain in Ghana, which will create a conducive business environment for value addition.  TOR_Busac-...

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26 Mar, 2018

L'agriculture figurait en bonne place dans l'entretien hier entre le président ivoirien Alassane Ouattara et le vice-président de la Banque mondiale pour...

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22 Mar, 2018

In what could be a boon to cashew farmers, the Directorate of Cashew Research (DCR) at Puttur, Karnataka has come out with a new hybrid, H-130, which starts yielding from the...

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22 Mar, 2018

Government has indefinitely suspended the Fumigation Levy on imports and exports, barely a month after ...

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19 Mar, 2018

Mr. Yaw Osafo Marfo, Senior Minister, has hinted at plans by government to halt the export of raw materials from Ghana to...

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19 Mar, 2018

The Deputy Chairman of the Tema Chapter of the Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders (GIFF), Johnny Mantey, has told Citi News that freight forwarders will fly red flags at the Port in protest against...

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19 Mar, 2018

Après la décision la semaine dernière du Vietnam d'interrompre ses importations de noix de cajou d'Afrique en raison de leurs prix trop...

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19 Mar, 2018

Au Bénin, la campagne de commercialisation 2017/18 de noix de cajou a été lancée officiellement...

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12 Mar, 2018

A total of Sh79 billion has been generated from sales of 20,274,956 kilogrammes cashew nut in the 2017/2018 season, authorities have...

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