A delegation of 20 cashew processors from across the country met Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in New Delhi on Thursday and submitted a ...
Cashew Industry News
The latest news from the African cashew industry.
Le porte-parole du gouvernement ivoirien a exprimé mercredi la détermination du gouvernement à lutter contre la fuite...
Palasa, the cashew treating hub of the country's east coast, fell silent on Wednesday with all the 150 factory units in and around the town downing shutters in ...
The state government is planning to establish a cashew-processing cluster at Jeypore in Koraput district with an aim to increase productivity and create marketing link for...
Les exportations de noix de cajou du Vietnam sont en hausse de 11% sur les deux premiers mois de l'année, totalisant 37 000 tonnes (t) et générant € 252,4 millions, a souligné...
N.K. Premachandran, MP, has called upon the Union government to mitigate the anxiety in the cashew sector over ...
Cashew workers and their employers joined hands on Tuesday to organise a march to the office of the Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) here calling for...
Over 2,000 cashew nut processing units across the State, including 535 in Kanyakumari district, downed shutters for two days from Monday, demanding withdrawal of 9.36 per cent duty imposed on...
Cashew (Anacardiumoccidentale) is an economic tree crop that produces apples and nuts, which grows well in areas with annual total rainfall of between 900-1,400mm and with...
Forty years ago, Henri Kouakou was struggling to support his family farming a small plot outside Bondoukou, a dusty town in northeastern Côte d’Ivoire, when he first learned that ...
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