Cashew Experts

Name Country Competencies
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Côte d'Ivoire Advisory/ Technical assistance (1-3 yrs); Cashew market (1-3 yrs); Cashew nut processing (1-3 yrs); Economics of processing (Less than 2 yrs); Economics of production (Less than 2 yrs); Extension (Less than 2 yrs); Farming (1-3 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (1-3 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (1-3 yrs); PPP facilitation (1-3 yrs); Regulatory services (1-3 yrs); Traceability (1-3 yrs); Training (3-5 yrs);
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Mr. Sabi Bira Joseph TOKORE OROU MERE
Benin Advisory/ Technical assistance (1-3 yrs); Agronomic practices (3-5 yrs); Business Plan development (Less than 2 yrs); Economics of production (1-3 yrs); Extension (Less than 2 yrs); Farming (3-5 yrs); Market Information System (Less than 2 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (Less than 2 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (3-5 yrs); Research (Less than 2 yrs); Traceability (Less than 2 yrs); Trading (Less than 2 yrs); Training (1-3 yrs);
Mr. DAMOUE Souleymane
Burkina Faso Accounting, book-keeping & auditing (3-5 yrs); Advisory/ Technical assistance (3-5 yrs); Agronomic practices (5-10 yrs); Audits for social/ethical standards (5-10 yrs); Brokerage (Less than 2 yrs); Cashew apple processing (3-5 yrs); Cashew market (3-5 yrs); Cashew nut processing (3-5 yrs); Economics (3-5 yrs); Economics of processing (3-5 yrs); Economics of production (3-5 yrs); Equipment management (3-5 yrs); Equipment manufacturing and /or sales (3-5 yrs); Equipment manufacturing and /or sales (processing) (3-5 yrs); Equipment use & management (3-5 yrs); Extension (3-5 yrs); Farming (5-10 yrs); Food Safety & Hygiene implementation (5-10 yrs); Food safety & hygiene training (5-10 yrs); Food Safety audits (5-10 yrs); Linkage to financial institutions (3-5 yrs); Market Information System (1-3 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (3-5 yrs); Policy making (Less than 2 yrs); PPP facilitation (Less than 2 yrs); Processing techniques: large-scale units (3-5 yrs); Processing techniques: medium-scale units (3-5 yrs); Processing techniques: small-scale units (3-5 yrs); Regulatory services (Less than 2 yrs); Research (3-5 yrs); Stock monitoring (5-10 yrs); Traceability (5-10 yrs); Trading (1-3 yrs); Training (3-5 yrs); Training in social & ethical issues (10-15 yrs);
Benin Advisory/ Technical assistance (3-5 yrs); Agronomic practices (Less than 2 yrs); Extension (3-5 yrs);
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Côte d'Ivoire Advisory/ Technical assistance (1-3 yrs); Agronomic practices (1-3 yrs); Audits for social/ethical standards (Less than 2 yrs); Brokerage (1-3 yrs); Cashew apple processing (Less than 2 yrs); Cashew market (3-5 yrs); Cashew nut processing (1-3 yrs); Economics (Less than 2 yrs); Economics of processing (1-3 yrs); Economics of production (Less than 2 yrs); Equipment management (1-3 yrs); Equipment manufacturing and /or sales (1-3 yrs); Equipment manufacturing and /or sales (processing) (Less than 2 yrs); Equipment repairs (1-3 yrs); Equipment use & management (Less than 2 yrs); Exporting (1-3 yrs); Extension (Less than 2 yrs); Farming (3-5 yrs); Food Safety & Hygiene implementation (Less than 2 yrs); Food safety & hygiene training (1-3 yrs); Food Safety audits (Less than 2 yrs); Linkage of actors in the value chain (1-3 yrs); Market Information System (3-5 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (3-5 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (3-5 yrs); Policy making (3-5 yrs); PPP facilitation (3-5 yrs); Processing techniques: large-scale units (1-3 yrs); Processing techniques: medium-scale units (1-3 yrs); Processing techniques: small-scale units (1-3 yrs); Regulatory services (3-5 yrs); Research (Less than 2 yrs); Traceability (3-5 yrs); Trading (3-5 yrs); Training (Less than 2 yrs); Training in social & ethical issues (Less than 2 yrs);
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Dr. Daniel Adewale
Nigeria Agronomic practices (Less than 2 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (3-5 yrs); Research (3-5 yrs); Training (1-3 yrs);
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Mr. Miguel ZAVONON
Benin Accounting, book-keeping & auditing (Less than 2 yrs); Advisory/ Technical assistance (1-3 yrs); Agronomic practices (1-3 yrs); Audits for social/ethical standards (3-5 yrs); Brokerage (3-5 yrs); Business Plan development (1-3 yrs); Cashew apple processing (1-3 yrs); Cashew market (3-5 yrs); Cashew nut processing (3-5 yrs); Economics (Less than 2 yrs); Economics of processing (3-5 yrs); Economics of production (1-3 yrs); Equipment management (Less than 2 yrs); Equipment use & management (Less than 2 yrs); Exporting (3-5 yrs); Extension (1-3 yrs); Farming (1-3 yrs); Food Safety & Hygiene implementation (3-5 yrs); Food safety & hygiene training (3-5 yrs); Food Safety audits (3-5 yrs); Linkage of actors in the value chain (3-5 yrs); Linkage to financial institutions (Less than 2 yrs); Management (Less than 2 yrs); Market Information System (3-5 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (1-3 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (1-3 yrs); Policy making (1-3 yrs); PPP facilitation (Less than 2 yrs); Processing techniques: large-scale units (3-5 yrs); Processing techniques: medium-scale units (3-5 yrs); Processing techniques: small-scale units (3-5 yrs); Regulatory services (1-3 yrs); Research (1-3 yrs); Stock monitoring (1-3 yrs); Traceability (3-5 yrs); Trading (3-5 yrs); Training (1-3 yrs); Training in social & ethical issues (3-5 yrs);
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Benin Agronomic practices (Less than 2 yrs); Cashew nut processing (Less than 2 yrs); Farming (Less than 2 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (Less than 2 yrs); Policy making (Less than 2 yrs); PPP facilitation (Less than 2 yrs); Processing techniques: small-scale units (Less than 2 yrs); Research (Less than 2 yrs); Training (Less than 2 yrs);
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Mr. OFFOUMOU Jenevi Marcial
Côte d'Ivoire Accounting, book-keeping & auditing (3-5 yrs); Advisory/ Technical assistance (5-10 yrs); Agronomic practices (5-10 yrs); Audits for social/ethical standards (1-3 yrs); Business Plan development (5-10 yrs); Cashew market (3-5 yrs); Cashew nut processing (3-5 yrs); Economics of production (5-10 yrs); Exporting (3-5 yrs); Extension (5-10 yrs); Farming (5-10 yrs); Food Safety & Hygiene implementation (1-3 yrs); Food safety & hygiene training (1-3 yrs); Food Safety audits (1-3 yrs); Linkage of actors in the value chain (3-5 yrs); Management (5-10 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (3-5 yrs); Processing techniques: large-scale units (3-5 yrs); Stock monitoring (5-10 yrs); Traceability (3-5 yrs); Trading (3-5 yrs); Training (5-10 yrs); Training in social & ethical issues (1-3 yrs);
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Mr. Juste Amanoudo
Benin Advisory/ Technical assistance (5-10 yrs); Agronomic practices (5-10 yrs); Business Plan development (1-3 yrs); Cashew apple processing (Less than 2 yrs); Cashew market (3-5 yrs); Economics of production (5-10 yrs); Extension (5-10 yrs); Farming (5-10 yrs); Linkage of actors in the value chain (3-5 yrs); Linkage to financial institutions (1-3 yrs); Management (1-3 yrs); Market Information System (3-5 yrs); Organisational Development of Sector organisations (3-5 yrs); Planting material & nursery management (3-5 yrs); Research (3-5 yrs); Stock monitoring (1-3 yrs); Traceability (3-5 yrs); Trading (3-5 yrs); Training (5-10 yrs);
