Cashew Industry News

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

7 Mar, 2021

The Bono Regional Minister-designate, Justina Owusu-Banahene, has stated that the existing poor pricing regime for cashew is negatively affecting the...

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4 Mar, 2021


1. Background

In the consolidation of their sector organization efforts, the African Cashew Alliance (ACA) and GIZ/ComCashew project want to consolidate the achievements, upgrade, and reinforce the capacity of local actors, and transfer knowledge to partners and target groups. In this...

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4 Mar, 2021

Terms of Reference: Sound Equipment Supply/ Technicians for Ghana MTP

In its 3rd phase, the project wants to consolidate the achievements, upgrade, and reinforce the capacity of local actors and transfer knowledge to partners and target groups. In this context, GIZ/ComCashew, with support from...

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4 Mar, 2021

Terms of Reference for Consultant/Service Provider: Interpreters for Ghana MTP sessions

In the consolidation of their sector organization efforts, the African Cashew Alliance (ACA) and GIZ/ComCashew project want to consolidate the achievements, upgrade, and reinforce the capacity of local...

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22 Feb, 2021

Afin de relancer la production de cajou au Nigeria, un protocole d’accord a été signé entre le gouvernement fédéral et le département américain de l’Agriculture (USDA) dans le cadre du projet West-Africa PRO-Cashew, indique Vanguard. Le projet sera mis en œuvre par Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) pour une durée de cinq ans.

Selon le ministre de l’Agriculture et...

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20 Feb, 2021

Coast governors are banking on the revival of the cashew nut industry to improve the livelihoods of 350,000 farmer households in Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River, Lamu, Taita-Taveta and Mombasa counties.

The county bosses assured the residents that they will transform the coastal economy by increasing the crop's production to more than......

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20 Feb, 2021

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Alhaji Sabo Nanono has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) West Africa PRO-Cashew Project to develop the cashew agro-industry.

The project is expected to catalyse up to...


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20 Feb, 2021

Cashews are big business in Ivory Coast, the world's leading producer and the country is waging an intensifying campaign to stop the smuggling of the nut known there as...

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20 Feb, 2021

A new dwarf variety of cashew “Netra Vaman” has been developed that can help people interested in growing cashew nut in their...

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18 Feb, 2021

Mr Ojo Ajanaku, the National President of the National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN) in a recent workshop has disclosed that Nigeria produces 120,000 tonnes of cashew annually.

This disclosure was made by him today at a...

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