ACA News

Terms of Reference for Consultant/Service Provider: Interpreters for Ghana MTP sessions

In the consolidation of their sector organization efforts, the African Cashew Alliance (ACA) and GIZ/ComCashew project want to consolidate the achievements, upgrade,...

The President of the African Cashew Alliance, Babatola Faseru, has called on African governments to show more commitment towards developing the cashew sector on the continent to reduce poverty.



A US$23million PRO-Cashew project has been launched in Abidjan Thursday to boast cashew production in Ghana and four other West African countries.



Cashew farmers have expressed confidence in the newly established Tree Crops Development Authority (TCDA) and the Cashew Council Ghana (CCG) to properly regulate and organize the sector to address their concerns.



A Cashew expert with the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), Jim Fitzpatrick, has called on local cashew stakeholders to focus on improving food safety and quality to attract international consumers.  According to him, ensuring food...

A two-day cashew pricing workshop to propose a pricing model for cashew in Ghana has started in Accra on Monday.


The workshop by the pricing committee of the Cashew Council Ghana (CCG), an extension...

A Market Information Systems (MIS) expert with the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), Jim Fitzpatrick, has called on African governments to prioritize developing a cashew sector that adds value to itself.



Ghana’s Cashew sector is not as developed as its cocoa sector. For over seven decades, as the world’s second, and at some point leading, producer of cocoa, Ghana has benefited enormously from her cocoa sector. All these years, the cocoa sector has been the most well-organized, and properly regulated subsector of the Agricultural industry, with the Ghana Cocoa Board, established in 1947 to regulate the sector, playing a crucial role in...

The Cashew Council Ghana (CCG) has debunked claims that it is making moves to dictate prices of cashew by implementing a pricing regime.


Barely two weeks since its launch in Techiman, there are claims in...