Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

19 mai, 2017

He said cashew needed stable and favourable market price like cocoa so that it would boost the interest of farmers to grow the economic tree in commercial quantity. In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Mesidan in the Techiman North District of Brong-Ahafo Region, Nana Kyeremeh said...


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17 mai, 2017

Cashew exportation is a business that has made some Nigerians into instant millionaires. Though cashew has high economic value and gives many millions annually, people from the South-West are still unable to meet high demands for the seed unlike other states despite the...

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12 mai, 2017

L'ACA a inscrit une équipe de 3 employés pour participer à la 1ère session de la quatrième édition du Programme des Maitres formateurs du secteur de l'Anacarde (MTP) organisé par l'Initiative pour un Cajou Compétitif (ComCashew), avec l'appui de l'ACA. Ce programme vise à produire des experts de la chaine de valeur cajou, qui seront entièrement outillés pour offrir de meilleurs résultats dans...

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10 mai, 2017

Ça bouge sur le marché international de la noix de cajou, et le Conseil international consultatif du cajou ou CICC est né le 17 novembre 2016 à...

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10 mai, 2017

Le Président de la Guinée Bissau, son Excellence Jose Mario Vaz a donné l’ordre d'arrêter le commerce du cajou quelques semaines après le lancement de la campagne et ce après des informations relatant une contrebande du cajou vers le Sénégal voisin.

Le Cajou représente environ 80 % des revenus d'exportation de ce petit  pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest qui est historiquement reconnu...

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4 mai, 2017

National production of cashew nuts has exceeded official projections and reached 137,400 tons, the best harvest figures in 30 years.The director of the National Cashew Institute (INCAJU), Ilídio Afonso Bande, quoted in...

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4 mai, 2017

Even the prices of broken grades, which were stagnant for several months, have moved up sharply. Good demand for the May-to-July shipments has driven the price spurt, and additonally, some buyers were...

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3 mai, 2017

Cashew nut prices have hit the roof and seem to be on a sustained rally due to crop shortfall in Vietnam. Traders said that the rally is scary as market prices have crossed $5 per...

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2 mai, 2017

Mr Tola Faseru is the current President of the National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN). The organisation recently got a recognition from the Nigerian Christian Youths Political Platform (NICHYPP). He spoke to Newton-Ray Ukwuoma about the many developments in...

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2 mai, 2017

On the afternoon of April 24, the Agriculture and Extension Station of Phu Rieng district coordinated with the Farmers' Association of Long Tan commune and agricultural extension staff to organize a...

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