Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

7 juil, 2017

Sous l'impulsion de l'Interprofession de la filière Anacarde au Burkina Faso, il a été signé un arrêté interministériel portant modalités de commercialisation de la noix de cajou brute au Burkina Faso. Cet arrêté a été signé le 09 Juin 2017 à...

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4 juil, 2017

Inadequate shipping is threatening the agricultural export, the  National Publicity Secretary,National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN), Sotonye Anga, has said. He said though there was adequate shipping capacity to move other  goods out of the ports, it  was  not so for agricultural produce, especially...


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30 juin, 2017

The State government is seeking to eliminate middlemen in cashew trade by collaborating with supplier countries in Africa and facilitate direct procurement of raw nuts for the processing units in the State, Minister for...

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30 juin, 2017

Nigeria is set to supply 130,000 tonnes of roasted cashew nuts valued at $7 billion to Walmart Super Market chain in the United States of America, USA. This was revealed by the Minister of Agriculture, Audu Ogbe, on Wednesday while briefing State House correspondents after the meeting of...


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27 juin, 2017

A research on economic potentials of cashew fruits has revealed that the fruit is rich in vitamin C and could be processed into various fruit juices such as cashew apple and...

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27 juin, 2017

« L’anacarde est une filière qui produit 20 000 tonnes par an. Près de 350.000 personnes réparties dans quatre régions travaillent dans ce secteur qui génère 30 milliards par année’’, a-t-il dit lors d’un comité régional de...

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27 juin, 2017

Kerala government has convened a meeting of diplomats from 14 African nations as part of its effort to revive the sinking cashew sector in the state that provides jobs to more than two lakh people, majority of...

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22 juin, 2017

A rise in cashew exports boosted the value of traditional exports by 16.75 per cent in the year ending April 2017. According to the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) economic review for May, traditional exports improved to...

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16 juin, 2017

Kilifi county government is distributing improved seedlings in efforts to revive cashew nut farming, Governor Amason Kingi has said. Speaking when he met a group of farmers in...

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15 juin, 2017

Nigerian Export Promotion Council, (NEPC) has called on producers of agro-products in Nigeria to think more of processing their products here to add value, rather than exporting them as...

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