Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

25 mar, 2020

Le Mécanisme Incitatif de Finance Agricole (MIFA) a organisé le vendredi dernier, une session de formation à l'endroit des agro-entrepreneurs,...lire la suite

25 mar, 2020

La Côte d’Ivoire subventionne à hauteur de près de 87% des plants greffés d’anacardier pour la campagne 2020, informe dans un communiqué le Conseil du coton et de l’anacarde.

Sont mis à disposition des producteurs et à toute personne intéressée par la culture de l’anacardier des plants greffés à haut rendement. Sur un prix unitaire...

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24 mar, 2020

Cashew processing at the Mỹ Lệ Co in Bình Phước Province. Việt Nam gained year-on-year growth of 21 per cent in cashew exports to the US in the first two months this year. Photo

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam’s cashew exports to the US in the first two months of the year rose by 21 per cent in volume to 17,900 tonnes and 3.6 per cent in value to US$126.2 million...

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24 mar, 2020

Kochi: India may stand to benefit from the crash in the raw cashew prices globally as Covid-19 hits consumption in China.

India currently meets over 60 per cent of its cashew processing requirement through import of raw cashew, mostly from African countries. The consumption slump in China has ......

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24 mar, 2020

More and more industrialisation opportunities are opening up in this day and age of rapid technological advances that include agro-processing and other value -addition activities

Agro-processing refers to the subset of industrial manufacturing that processes raw materials and intermediate products which are derived from the ......

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23 mar, 2020

The Karnataka Cashew Manufacturers’ Association (KCMA) has advised cashew growers not to panic due to coronavirus outbreak in the country and has assured them that cashew would be bought from them at fair prices as soon as the virus impact subsides.

Subraya Pai, President of KCMA, said the industry is aware that this is the peak raw cashew nut harvest season in Karnataka and...

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23 mar, 2020

Mtwara — The majority of cashew farmers in Tanzania grow the crop with a target to sell the crop in its raw form. To them, cashew apples ripping with the nuts are a waste.

These farmers have not idea that there were losing between Sh22.8 and 31.8 trillion every year for failing to turn...

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23 mar, 2020

The cashew nut — favoured ghee-tempered ingredient of many an Indian sweet like payasam, barfi and ladoo — isn’t a stranger to long-distance travel. And as we consume it by the tonne as a wholesome snack, ‘mylk’ (a vegan alternative to dairy milk), or as the thickening agent in curries, it’s clear that the cashew doesn’t believe in culinary social distancing either.

This becomes evident...

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20 mar, 2020

“Les noix de cajou sont mûres prêtes à la commercialisation, prêtes à la transformation, prêtes à la consommation…Le gouvernement a entériné les conditions de déroulement de la campagne comme suit : prix plancher : 325 francs Cfa le kilogramme ; date d’ouverture 19 mars 2020 ; date de clôture : 31 octobre 2020 ; interdiction de sortie des noix de cajou par voie terrestre, sauf autorisation du...

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