Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

29 mai, 2020

Alors que la campagne devrait battre son plein en Afrique de l’Ouest, les producteurs de noix de cajou ont du mal à trouver des acheteurs, faute de financement des opérations par les banques.

La collecte de la noix de cajou est fortement ralentie en Afrique de l’Ouest....


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20 mai, 2020

The Odisha Cashew Processors Association has urged Union Minister of State for MSME Pratap Sarangi to announce a special package for the cashew industry, hit hard by...

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19 mai, 2020

The Mozambican Association of Cashew Industries (AICAJU) has warned that less than 35,000 tonnes of cashew nuts will be processed in Mozambican factories this year, which is more than 33 per cent less than...

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18 mai, 2020

With main competitor Vietnam expanding its exports to more countries during lockdown and the domestic market at a standstill, the cashew sector is facing yet...

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16 mai, 2020

The Ghana Agriculture and Rural Development Journalists Association (GARDJA) has held an editors’ forum in Accra to encourage increased media focus on...

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14 mai, 2020

There is the need for comprehensive and industry-specific policies to help revive the ailing cashew processing sector in the country, Patricio Lima Assis, Managing Director of USIBRAS Ghana Limited, subsidiary of a leading cashew nut processing firm with...


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14 mai, 2020

The government has released Sh10 billion out of the Sh31 billion it owes cashew nut farmers and service providers for raw cashew nuts (RCN) supplied in...

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14 mai, 2020

Le gouvernement de Guinée Bissau est parvenu à un accord avec cinq banques commerciales pour assurer le...

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10 mai, 2020

The Ghana Agricultural and Rural Development Journalists Association (GARDJA) and the Competitive Cashew initiative (ComCashew) of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) have launched an advocacy initiative to help...

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9 mai, 2020

Fludor-Benin uses cashew nut shells as a balm, a liquid that the paint and aeronautics industries thrive on. In addition to the added value it generates, this activity helps to reduce the pollution caused by...


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