Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

8 déc, 2015

Mr Sotonye Anga, the National Cashew Association (NCAN) National Publicity Secretary,said there was a need to boost cashew production in the country and...

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7 déc, 2015

Modern technology which allows processing of cashew nuts at low costs is one of the reasons that Vietnam has become the Number 1 ...

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7 déc, 2015

Parvenu au prix de plusieurs réformes à s’imposer comme l’une des plus importantes de Côte d’Ivoire, la filière coton anacarde respire beaucoup mieux depuis ...

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3 déc, 2015

A Stakeholder Workshop on the development of a Master Plan for cashew production in Ghana was last month organized by the the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoTI) in Sunyani in the Bronh Ahafo region which happens to be...


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1 déc, 2015

While export of many farm produce continues facing with difficulties this year, cashew industry has posted an increase in export output and turnover maintaining Vietnam’s position of the world’s top cashew exporter for...

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30 nov, 2015

A delegation of officials from the Beninese Government and Ivory Coast’s cotton-cashew council is seeking cooperation with southern Binh Phuoc province to improve cashew cultivation techniques and...

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30 nov, 2015

Exports of cashew nuts jumped 7.3% in volume and 19.2% in value year-on-year for the ten months leading up to November 2015, according to the latest statistics of...

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27 nov, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! While many of you are getting to enjoy a fabulous turkey dinner, I bet you didn't even notice that another equally delicious holiday just passed you by. National Cashew Day was...

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27 nov, 2015

Ils étaient nombreux venus d'Afrique pour assister lundi à la 7ème Conférence internationale de la noix de cajou qui a...

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27 nov, 2015

The Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) has called on local enterprises to add more value to their cashew products to help Vietnam stay on as the world’s biggest cashew nut exporter...

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