Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

4 fév, 2016

Viet Nam's cashew exports in January jumped 15.6 per cent year-on-year to US$183 million, according to the...

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4 fév, 2016

Last Thursday Punch One, the solar car of which the car body was produced with cashew nutshell liquid based bio-resins, has reached more

3 fév, 2016

Le Nigeria, suivi de près par le Ghana, est le premier pays a démarré la campagne de ...

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2 fév, 2016

CONSTRUCTION of three big cashew nut processing factories is scheduled to start early in the 2016/17 fiscal year, with the country’s processing capacity poised to rise to ...

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2 fév, 2016

Call for the better utilisation of cashew apples. Thousands of tonnes of fruit being wasted in ...

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1 fév, 2016

Less than one per cent of the 2016 budget of the Ministry of Trade and Industry will be used to support trade and...

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1 fév, 2016

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria on Thursday expressed concern that Olam Cashew Factory, Nigeria’s biggest cashew factory, would go into extinction if...

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1 fév, 2016
India is no longer the top supplier of cashew kernels to the world market and that position has been taken over by Vietnam for kernels and West Africa for... read more
26 jan, 2016

La province de Binh Phuoc au Sud du Vietnam, celle-là même qui avait reçu une délégation du Bénin et de...

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26 jan, 2016

Vietnamese export firms have mixed feelings, both happy and worried, about business prospects for...

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