Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

22 jan, 2020

’usine de transformation de cajou de Fludor-Bénin Sa est à la peine. La chute depuis 2018 du prix de l’amande blanche de cajou exportée plombe sa rentabilité et menace les emplois. Des difficultés auxquelles la ministre de l’Industrie et du Commerce n’a pas été insensible. Shadiya Alimatou Assouman s’est en effet rendue sur les lieux pour toucher du doigt les problèmes que connaissent les...

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22 jan, 2020

GOVERNMENT has prioritised cashew production for a number of reasons....

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22 jan, 2020

Even though global demand for cashew has been increasing by 7-10 percent annually over the last ten years, Ghanaian cashew producers have not benefited in any substantial manner from the surge in demand...

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22 jan, 2020

Indian cashew exports declined by 14.8% in value to USD525.3 million but increased by 4,000 tonnes to 74,645 tonnes from January-November 2019 compared with the same period in more

22 jan, 2020

Cambodia exported 202,318 tonnes of raw cashew nuts (RCN) in 2019, doubling the exported volume of 2018, according to the more

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22 jan, 2020

SMALL-SCALE farmers should invest in cashew nuts as a way of increasing household income and reducing poverty in rural areas, Eastern Province Cashew Growers of Zambia (EPCGZ) chairperson Alison Phiri has said....

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21 jan, 2020

C'est avec grand plaisir que l'Alliance pour le Cajou Africain (ACA) annonce la nomination de M. André Mahoutin TANDJIEKPON au poste de Secrétaire exécutif du Conseil international consultatif du Cajou (CICC). Suite à un processus de recrutement intensif, il a été désigné par le Conseil des Ministres, l'autorité suprême de l'...

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20 jan, 2020

Recent Competitor Analysis reports released by the Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) are admonishing Ghanaian exporters of several identified agricultural products to retain primary focus on their existing potential markets outside the continent even with  ......

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20 jan, 2020

Dar es Salaam — Local cashew processors in are now grappling with inadequate supply of raw cashew nuts (RCNs) as raw material for their firms.

However, they still hope that the government would fulfil its promise to protect domestic investment.

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20 jan, 2020

Le Cambodge commence à s'imposer sur le marché mondial de la noix de cajou. Alors qu'il ne produisait quasiment rien il y a dix ans, le pays des Khmers est parvenu à 200 000 tonnes de noix brutes l'an dernier, selon les chiffres du ministre cambodgien de ...lire la suite

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