Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

20 nov, 2023

THE cashew season in 2023/2024 has started with a bang in the Southern Tanzania regions of Lindi, Mtwara and Ruvuma.

Mtwara Region is the central meeting point for cashew farmers and stakeholders who meet in Mtwara to ensure that their cashew shipments leave the country for markets in various parts of the world.

The port of Mtwara has been given the big responsibility to be......

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11 nov, 2023

La filière cajou en Côte d’ivoire a connu un développement exceptionnel ces dernières années avec une production qui a été multipliée par plus de dix en 20 ans jusqu’à atteindre le premier rang mondial avec environ...lire la suite

10 nov, 2023

Le groupe vietnamien Quand Thien Imex (QTI) annonce le doublement de sa capacité de transformation de la noix de cajou au cours de la campagne de commercialisation de l’anacarde 2024 dans un communiqué transmis à...lire la suite

7 nov, 2023

Le Fonds africain de garantie (AGF) et TechnoServe ont signé un partenariat pour faciliter l’accès au financement aux transformateurs et autres entreprises de la chaîne de valeur de la noix de cajou en Afrique de l’Ouest. Le partenariat fait partie du...

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31 oct, 2023

L’Afrique de l’Ouest produit l’essentiel du cajou du monde. La sous-région produit environ 50 % des noix de cajou brutes (NCB) du monde, si bien que son rôle dans la durabilité de l’industrie mondiale du cajou ne saurait être sous-estimé. En tant que culture arboricole tropicale présentant un certain niveau de résistance à la sécheresse, le...

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16 oct, 2023

In the first nine months of 2023, Cambodia produced 639,000 metric tonnes of raw cashew nuts, of which 613,200 metric tonnes were exported to Vietnam worth $829 million, a decrease of 16.3% compared to the same period in 2022.

Uon Siloth, President of the Cambodian Cashew Association, told local news on Monday, October 16, that the Cambodian Cashew Association had lowered its forecast...

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16 oct, 2023

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) disclosed this in its recent Foreign Trade in Goods Statistics report.

The report stated that in the first quarter of 2023, N27.1 billion of cashew nuts in the shell were exported, with the Republic of Vietnam topping the list, while N6.8 billion of cashew nuts shelled were......

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16 oct, 2023

African countries have been urged to boost intra-African trade in cashew nuts and their by-products to tap into the enormous continental market of almost 1.4 billion people.

The call was made by Tanzania’s vice-president, Dr Philip Mpango, who said the countries should take...


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13 oct, 2023

Vice President, Dr Philip Mpango has called on African countries to boost local consumption of cashewnuts and their by-products and tap into the enormous continental market of almost 1.4 billion people, under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Launching Tanzania International...

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29 sep, 2023

The African Cashew Alliance (ACA) has called on President of the Consultative International Cashew Council (CICC) to create an African Cashew Development Fund, which will help develop a system where Raw Cashew Nuts (RCN) are processed in Africa instead of...


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