Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

22 oct, 2021

Cashew processing at Valency Agro Nigeria Ltd has received a boost in capacity with USD$3.5m funding from social impact investor and worldwide cooperative, Oikocredit, to support the cashew nuts processing more 

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19 oct, 2021

Ghana’s foremost agrochemical company, YARA Ghana has again put its weight behind the Pre-harvest Agribusiness Conference....

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16 oct, 2021

a Société de dédouanement maritime et aéroportuaire (SDMA) a inauguré samedi dernier un port sec dans la commune de Bouaflé sur une superficie de quatre hectares. D’un  coût de FCFA 1,7 milliard ( € 2,591 millions), il vise à désengorger le port autonome d’Abidjan.  

Ce premier hub logistique dans la région de la Marahoué devrait...


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15 oct, 2021

The US imported over 97,000 tonnes of cashew nuts worth 615.68 million USD during the first seven months of this year, an increase of 0.5 percent in volume and a drop of...

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15 oct, 2021

La campagne de commercialisation de la noix de cajou en Afrique de l'Ouest s'est terminée fin septembre. Elle fut bonne avec une production de plus de 2,2 millions de tonnes et des prix rémunérateurs pour les producteurs. Du côté de la transformation, cette année a été exceptionnelle avec une prime pour l'origine Afrique consécutive à la flambée des taux de fret de l'Asie. Retour sur cette...

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5 oct, 2021

Dar es Salaam — Cashewnut farmers have high expectations of getting better prices compared to last season as the 2021/22 trading season is slated to start next Friday.

The farmers have also expressed hope that they will more

5 oct, 2021

The agricultural sector, pandemic or not, faces a host of hardships. From rainfall — either too much or too little of it — to the rise in transportation costs, farmers have to deal with these issues all the time.

However, there is some good news for......

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28 sep, 2021

The fact that a US-based company has shown interest in buying all the cashew nuts which are processed in Tanzania is a major incentive to the government to boost more

25 sep, 2021

The 2020 flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC, John Dramani Mahama) , during his campaign promised to make the cashew business lucrative in Ghana...

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21 sep, 2021

The global cashew industry has grown rapidly over the last decade, driven by the increasing consumption of cashew nuts around the world. And the market for raw cashews is ...

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