Nouvelles de l'industrie

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

3 mai, 2016

The price of cashew nuts has jumped about 15 percent this year prompting processers and exporters to call for the government to help funnel more...

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3 mai, 2016

Prior to its decades-long civil war, Mozambique was the world’s largest cashew producing country at 240,000 tons per year and processed approximately half of...

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29 avr, 2016

The government unveiled before the National Assembly here measures taken so far to contain diseases that affect...

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26 avr, 2016

Nous sommes fiers de vous annoncer que les inscriptions à la 10ème édition du Festival Mondial et de l’Expo sur le cajou organisés par l’ACA, prévue pour se tenir en Guinée-Bissau du 19 au 22 septembre, sont maintenant...

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25 avr, 2016

President John Dramani Mahama has announced the outright withdrawal of the policy banning the export of raw cashew...

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25 avr, 2016

The ministry of Trade and Industry is working to address liquidity challenges facing local cashew processing companies to ensure...

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20 avr, 2016

Government has no plans to take-over the cashew business from local buyers and processors, says Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, the Minister of...

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20 avr, 2016

High prices and shortage of raw nuts have pushed Indian cashew exports down 11% in 2015-16 from a...

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20 avr, 2016

Commercial motorcyclists in the University town of Anyigba, Dekina Local Government of Kogi, have dumped the transport business for...

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18 avr, 2016
The largest cashew processor in the Brong-Ahafo Region, KONA Agro Processing Limited, has been forced to shut down operations due to... read more
