Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

22 Jan, 2016

Mr Winfred Osei Owusu, President of Cashew Industry Association of Ghana on Tuesday, called for a higher level of commitment from policy makers towards the...

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21 Jan, 2016

"A 10-year cashew sector master-plan aimed at increasing production from 50,000 metric tonnes to 150,000 metric tonnes per annum by 2025 is being discussed by government and private sector stakeholders.

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18 Jan, 2016

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN) on Friday said that it was optimistic about 2016 cashew season, as farmers were adhering strictly to...

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18 Jan, 2016

The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) has awarded five projects totaling 250,000 euros in order to reinforce its commitment to researchers that contribute to improving the...

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15 Jan, 2016

The cashew industry is passing through difficult times following increase in processing costs. This is mainly on account of a rise in the price of raw cashew nuts, both indigenous and imported and a sharp increase in wages in Kerala, where the...


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14 Jan, 2016

Devenue le premier producteur mondial de noix de cajou, la Côte d'Ivoire doit maintenant relever le défi de la transformation. Plusieurs projets sont dans...

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13 Jan, 2016

La région du Hambol a produit 33 000 tonnes de cajou en 2015 et a été classée quatrième région productrice de Côte d’Ivoire, a-t-on appris auprès du...

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12 Jan, 2016

The Cashew Industry Association of Ghana is organizing the first ever National Cashew Dialogue under the theme; Revitalizing the Cashew Sector: An Opportunity Neglected by...

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11 Jan, 2016

The Girijan Co-operative Corporation (GCC), leader in marketing organic honey, is now venturing into organic cashew with the support of ...

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8 Jan, 2016

The alleged standoff between the Industries and Labour Departments over managing the cashew sector is threatening to delay the reopening of factories in the...

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