Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

16 Feb, 2016

The latest figures on export of kernels released by the Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) show a big...

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15 Feb, 2016

A three-day training on “value addition and good practices in cashew cultivation” organised by Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Vamban, concluded on ...

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12 Feb, 2016

Le conseil des ministres tenu ce mercredi 10 février a fixé le prix d’achat de la noix de cajou à 375 FCFA le kilogramme pour la campagne 2016 qui...

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11 Feb, 2016

Ivory Coast's 2015 cashew nut crop rose 24 percent to a record 702,000 tonnes and marketing of the crop will begin on...

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10 Feb, 2016

At a full council meeting, Deodatus Kinawiro stands up at a podium at the Tanga City Council (TCC) conference hall and announces that cashew will...

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8 Feb, 2016

Exporters of cashew have blamed shipping companies for the increasing incidence of rejected cashew abroad while the shipping companies have in turn said...

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8 Feb, 2016

The government of Mozambique is likely to set benchmark prices to “control the...

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4 Feb, 2016

The National Cashew Association of Nigeria (NCAN) on Wednesday said that the sudden re-appearance of the harmattan had delayed the...

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4 Feb, 2016

Viet Nam's cashew exports in January jumped 15.6 per cent year-on-year to US$183 million, according to the...

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4 Feb, 2016

Last Thursday Punch One, the solar car of which the car body was produced with cashew nutshell liquid based bio-resins, has reached more
