Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

20 Mar, 2017

The total export revenue realized from cashew in 2016 was US$244,500,000, making the commodity the leading non-traditional crop export revenue generator...

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20 Mar, 2017

Government has reiterated its commitment to streamlining the cashew industry to make it an economic driving force in the country by...

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20 Mar, 2017

Organic cashew nuts are the nuts which are rich in protein, dietary fiber, and antioxidants and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and moderate amounts of polyunsaturated fats, these essential fatty acids increase...

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20 Mar, 2017

Robust local consumption supports Goa’s cashew processing industry and most unit owners are making steady profits, finds out...

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15 Mar, 2017

Les habitants de Tiémé (région du Kabadougou) se réjouissent des retombées économiques de la traite de la noix de cajou, dans le cadre de la campagne 2017 ouverte...

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15 Mar, 2017

Nigeria is to start exporting processed cashew nuts by 2019, according to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development...

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15 Mar, 2017

The Government of Enugu State has called on Cashew Nuts farmers and dealers to register with its Produce Inspection Department as the state moves to maximally position the...

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13 Mar, 2017

Mr Stephen Ahiaba, Chairman, Kogi Chapter of Cashew Producers Association of Nigeria, on Friday said that about 500,000 tonnes of cashew apples and fruits, worth N50 billion, rot annually in Kogi. Ahiaba told News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lokoja that...

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13 Mar, 2017

Cashew farmers have struck gold as prices for its nuts have shot up to an all-time high of Rs 160 per kilo this year. Compared to Rs 105-110 per kg last year, raw cashew kernels are fetching farmers a lucrative price, but...

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8 Mar, 2017

The Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) and the Centre for Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) Netherlands have put in place a capacity building programme for the promotion of non-oil exports and...

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