Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

14 Dec, 2017

Government has officially launched a GH.C 1.6m Cashew mass spraying exercise as part of measures to boost the cashew production to create...

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8 Dec, 2017

Le Groupement des Industriels du Cajou de la Côte d'Ivoire (GIC-CI), en collaboration avec l'Alliance Africaine pour la Cajou (ACA), organise un Forum sur l'accès aux financements de la transformation de l'anacarde à Azalaï Hotels à Abidjan les 7et 8 décembre 2017. L'ouverture de ce forum le 07 décembre, a été marquée par plusieurs conférenciers, que sont:...


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7 Dec, 2017

Authorities in southwestern Tanzania’s region of Mbeya intend to introduce cashew nuts farming in a new drive to spur the economy of the east African nation, officials said on Monday.

Mbeya Regional Administrative Secretary Nyasebwa Chimagu told Xinhua that the move is part of the government’s strategies to boost revenue and...


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7 Dec, 2017

With Cambodia endeavouring to simplify the process for obtaining certificates of origin (CO) at the border and streamlining customs procedures, Vietnam just announced plans to increase...

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7 Dec, 2017

The Chief Executive Officer of the largest locally owned cashew processing company in Nigeria, FoodPro Nigeria Limited, Mr. Ayo Olajiga, has described...

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7 Dec, 2017

Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu has called on farmers in the region to take interest in cashew nut production.

Mr. Mubukwanu says farmers should take advantage of the Patriotic Front Government’s policy of economic diversification to explore ...

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27 Nov, 2017

Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu has called on farmers in the region to take interest in cashew nut production.

Mr. Mubukwanu says farmers should take advantage of the Patriotic Front Government’s policy of economic diversification to explore the cashew nut industry.

He said this when he launched the...


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27 Nov, 2017

Chairman of Dong Nai People's Committee has just decided to approve the funds to support cashew and mango trees damaged by the unproductive rain in 2016-2017 in the province.

Reporters from Dong Nai Newspaper interviewed Vu Quoc Viet, Head of Irrigation Department, Head of the Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue Bureau of Dong Nai Province on the implementation...

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27 Nov, 2017

The government of Mozambique is currently drafting a regulation to control foreign trade operations and preventing illegal operations in the import and export of goods, said recently in Maputo the Minister for Trade and Industry.

Minister Max Tonela, who spoke during...


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27 Nov, 2017

An official at the Turkish Embassy has said that Tanzanians can benefit from Turkey's lucrative cashew nut market, which is desperate for more supplies of the...

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