Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

19 Feb, 2019

Le prix du kilogramme de noix de cajou est fixé à 375 FCFA pour la campagne de commercialisation qui s’ouvre le 15 février, contre 500 FCFA/KG en 2018, a annoncé le ...

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19 Feb, 2019

Un Guide de bonnes pratiques de traçabilité du secteur anacarde visant à améliorer l'accès des PME au marché de la transformation des noix de cajou en Côte d'Ivoire, premier producteur mondial d’anacarde, a été lancé ...

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18 Feb, 2019

Kogi State says it will begin enforcement of Produce Export Standards Act on cashew commodity in the state as part of measures aimed at addressing illegal activities and sharp practices in ...

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18 Feb, 2019

Prices of casheware expected to firm up from the current lows, considering lower domestic crop this year and a likely increase in exports and domestic consumption, traders and ...

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18 Feb, 2019

Due to lack of modernization and high wages, Indian Cashew industry is facing serious competition and needs government intervention for revival, said ....

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18 Feb, 2019

Countries like India, Vietnam and Brazil need consensus on pricing, quality control methods, commercial contract terms, according to Adama Coulibaly, director general, Cotton and Cashew Council of Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast, an African nation and one of ...


13 Feb, 2019

The Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) , the apex body of exporters of Cashew and allied products from the country set up by Ministry of Commerce and Industry is organising a Three day International Buyer-Seller meet cum Exhibition , Kaju India2019, the Global Cashew Summit in New Delhi from ...


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13 Feb, 2019

Kogi government says it has rolled out new measures to salvage the dwindling fortunes of cashew business in the state. The state Commissioner for Agriculture and...

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13 Feb, 2019

Mozambique is expected to produce 140,000 tonnes of cashew nuts in the 2018/2019 year, said the head of the Technology Development division of the Nampula delegation of...

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5 Feb, 2019

Dans le cadre de la préparation de la campagne 2019, et soucieux de mettre
sur le marché des produits de qualité, le Conseil du Coton et de l’Anacarde
organise une...

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