Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

14 May, 2019

Cashew nut farmers in the country have lost approximately N99 billion since the commencement of production this year.
The farmers produce about 220,000 metric tonnes of cashew nuts yearly. In 2017 and 2018, a tonne was ...

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14 May, 2019

Dans le département de Zuénoula en Côte d'Ivoire, sept groupements coopératifs ont reçu des financements pour acheter de l'anacarde bord champ à FCFA 375 le kilo afin d'honorer le contrat conclu entre ...

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14 May, 2019

Cette année encore l’écoulement du cajou rencontre des difficultés en Côte d’Ivoire. Tout d’abord, le directeur général du Conseil-coton-anacarde (CCA), Adama Coulibaly, a annoncé hier à ...

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14 May, 2019

The 100-year-old Indian cashew industry is in an interesting phase – much to look back on, facing a challenging situation and at the same time, much to look ...

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14 May, 2019

La commercialisation de l’Anacarde, communément appelé l’or noire du sud bat son plein, dans la partie méridionale du pays. Cependant, de mémoire collective des ...

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10 May, 2019

Depuis plusieurs semaines, les producteurs de noix de cajou en Afrique de l'Ouest vivent dans l'angoisse. Les acheteurs ne se précipitent pas dans les champs pour ramasser...

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10 May, 2019

The price of cashew has reduced significantly, causing disaffection among farmers in the main cashew growing areas of ...

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10 May, 2019

The Cashew Export Promotion Council of India (CEPCI) has raised serious concerns over rising illegal import of...

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10 May, 2019

A Kenyan company that signed a deal to buy $180.2 million cashew nuts in Tanzania will not be allowed to do so after it failed to fully honour an agreement, the Tanzanian government has ...

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7 May, 2019

The African Cashew Alliance (ACA) with support from the Business Advocacy Challenge Funds (BUSAC) has on Monday held a cashew sector sensitization workshop in Sunyani.

The workshop which was aimed at sensitizing...

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