Notícias da indústria

The latest news from the African cashew industry.

17 Aug, 2020

Fortement perturbée par la crise sanitaire de Covid-19, la filière anacarde a reçu une bouffée d’oxygène, mercredi 29 juillet, avec la signature d’un contrat d’achat de noix brutes entre le vietnamien T&T et des acteurs ivoiriens du Groupe d’intérêt économique du groupement des exportateurs professionnels de produits agricoles (GIE-GEPPA). Le Conseil du coton et de l’anacarde (CCA) en est...

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17 Aug, 2020

Mr. Sylvester de Clercq Mensah, the Cashew Regional Coordinator for the Upper Zone, has called for the promotion of the local consumption of cashew in the country.

This, he said, will create a viable and more stable...

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14 Aug, 2020

Top Planning Japan Co Ltd is working with a local cashew nut processing business owner to set up a plant in Kampong Thom province’s southwestern Kampong Svay district in a bid to champion Cambodian finished products....

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14 Aug, 2020

Kerala Agriculture Minister VS Sunilkumar inaugurated a mobile exhibition unit and marketing of new processed products of cashew as part of strengthening the extension activities of the Kerala Agricultural University. The Mobile Agriculture Exhibition Unit is set up to strengthen the dissemination of agriculture technologies developed by KAU in rural...


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13 Aug, 2020

Mr. Sylvester de Clercq Mensah, the Cashew Regional Coordinator for the Upper Zone, has called for the promotion of the local consumption of cashew in the country.

This, he said, will create a viable and more...

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13 Aug, 2020

Kerala Agriculture Minister VS Sunilkumar inaugurated a mobile exhibition unit and marketing of new processed products of cashew as part of strengthening the...

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11 Aug, 2020


Termes de Reference des Fournisseurs

A Propos :


L’Initiative pour la compétitivité du Cajou (ComCashew) vise à renforcer la compétitivité des transformateurs africains de cajou afin de...

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11 Aug, 2020


Termes de Reference des Fournisseurs


A Propos :

L’Initiative pour la compétitivité du Cajou (ComCashew) vise à renforcer la compétitivité des transformateurs...

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10 Aug, 2020

Cashew farmers are lamenting their losses this season after being forced to sell produce at 25% below the standard rate because of...

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8 Aug, 2020

The lack of focused policy since the 1990s has pushed the cashew nut sector into perennial decline. The sector's disintegration started when the state-owned Kenya Cashewnut factory collapsed in 1997 - a time when the...

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The lack of a focused policy since the 1990s has... read more
